ERMU Upholds Water Standards with PFAS Testing
You probably know that Elk River Municipal Utilities (ERMU) provides quality and cost-effective utility services to its custo...
Elk River Municipal Utilities provides electric service to residents and business in Elk River and parts of Otsego, Dayton, and Big Lake Township. Because we are consumer-owned public power, our customers benefit from affordable energy, exceptional service, and a utility that cares about the overall well-being and growth of the community we serve.
We purchase our electricity from and are a member of the Minnesota Municipal Power Agency (MMPA), an agency dedicated to providing reliable, competitively priced power to its member cities. MMPA offers a modern, efficient, and flexible generation fleet, with zero power generated from coal.
View our electric territory map to get a more detailed look at the areas we service.
To help you better understand equipment ownership and recognize how your home and habits affect your bill, we’ve created three useful resources.
View information to start, stop, or transfer service within ERMU’s territory for both residential and commercial customers.
View information about distributed energy resources, submit and follow interconnection applications, and learn what to know before you start your residential project.